Stories by GypsyNurse (2 matches)

Like Sandpaper

At my workplace there is not much opportunity to be different. We administer care to others and, in the process, sometimes we forget to care for ourselves and each other.  So, I print inspirational messages, happy pictures, quotes, etc, and post them on a blank space I've found in one of our utility rooms. I also print stories from this site, and some others I subscribe to, and leave them in the staff room. I believe it adds to our "emotional education."  One person asked me, "Why do you do this? Why do you try to help these people, they are not very nice?"  My response was, "If it affects one person then it's a good thing."  Often that one person is me, because I know I have done a kind thing, a good thing. It doesn't matter if it doesn't affect anyone else. What matters is that I'm the best person I can ... Read Full Story >>

14.1K Reads


I was fueling my car, as the cost of petrol has gone to $1.57 a litre.  

When I finished fueling I paid for my fuel and left behind a kindness card with a $10 note with instructions for the cashier that she should use it for the next person that came along that looked like they needed it! 

I asked the cashier to pass on the kindness card. 

1300 Reads

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